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Generate Accurate Personas

Redefine how you interact with your audience

Try it for yourself: insert below a link to your product’s reviews page and receive your personas report.
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I am Maria,
The Conformist
Cognitive Factor: Pull.Solution_Preference
The Criteria I use to determine the winning solution is Taste.
Subconscious Factor: Pull.Driving_Emotion
I expect a delightful taste to bring joy, prompting me to savor and crave more.
I am an accurate representation of how 32% of your audience decides.

I am Maria, The Conformist.

I am an accurate representation of how 32% of your audience decides.
The Criteria I use to determine the winning solution is Taste, the most important to me!
Cognitive Forces
Pull.Solution_Preference: TASTE
I expect a delightful taste to bring joy, prompting me to savor and crave more.
Subconscious Factors
Pull.Driving_Emotion: ENJOYMENT

We are Freya Sense

We have over a decade of experience in target audience analysis and behavior change interventions.

Understand any consumer behavior like you understand an old friend

While we are all different, we all share the same set of personality traits, driving emotions, and core motivators. What makes every single decision unique is the exact combination of each ingredient.
Freya Sense maps all the decision-making patterns in your audience, measuring the relevant subconscious factors behind every decision. This way you’ll know exactly what your audience needs to see to move them to action and inspire the right decisions.
Create delightful interactions for your audience the same way you would for a dear friend, starting with what really matters to them.

Meet your REAL Personas, brought to life by True Empathy

Freya Sense Personas reflect individual decision-making patterns.

Each Persona will reveal:


Conscious decision forces: PUSH (Motivation) and PULL (Attraction)


Subconscious decision factors: Driving Emotions, Personality Traits and Core Motivators.

We group these insights under the same Persona (Avatar) for all the people who decide in a similar manner.

1. Conscious decision forces

Here’s how we can deconstruct the famous Snickers ad:
“You’re not yourself when you’re hungry”

A. Push (Motivation)

First we need to understand what PUSHES somebody to act, to do something different. What are they aware of that makes them think “I need to do something about this?”

Observe how the Context, the Stimulus, and the Mismatch will motivate someone to act.

While playing sports...
I feel hunger and that makes me cranky...
My behavior is causing my friends to distance themselves from me!

B. Pull (Attraction)

Then we need to understand what PULLS somebody toward a certain solution. How do they decide to act in a certain manner, what makes them think “this is the way!”

Observe how the Desirable Outcome, Consideration Set, and Solution Preference define the winning solution.

Desirable Outcome
I’d love to resume playing nice with my friends...
Consideration Set
Quit & go eat something OR Have a Snickers
Solution Preference
I think I will go with the Snickers because it wouldn’t interrupt my game.

2. Subconscious decision factors

While these factors were difficult to determine until now, the Freya Sense model shows how much they influence the decision we analyse.
“I am low agreeableness, therefore I can get easy into fights with my friends.”

A. Personality Traits reveal how people consistently decide and behave.

They influence consumer decision-making, including risk tolerance, impulsivity, and willingness to try new products. Understanding these factors enables us to predict consumer behavioral patterns and optimize interactions accordingly.

Agreeableness: Low
“I prioritize looking for solutions for reconnecting with my friends when I see space between us.”

B. Core Motivators address basic psychological needs.

They can be highly persuasive, tapping into the underlying drivers that compel people to act. Framing interactions around these motivators allows you to trigger universal desires and inspire action.

Attachment : Approach
Enjoyment - sensory pleasure: this is the emotion that drives my decision, therefore I pick Snickers because it satisfies my hunger.”

C. Driving Emotions: what puts us in motion

Tapping into emotions can enhance the connection with your target audience, creating memorable experiences that resonate deeply and drive desired results.

Joy : Sensory Pleasure

How to make empathy your superpower?

Based on real cognitive data, our Personas represent real people in your audience (that share the same behaviors and decision making patterns), segmented by how they decide and act, helping you empathize with them like you would do with an old friend.
Imagine - with this level of details about your audience - how easy it is to create compelling interactions.

How to use Freya Personas to be
more persuasive and create compelling interactions

At every touchpoint, your audience has a choice on how to react to your messages and interactions. Getting more people to decide and act in your favor is all about 2 things:

A) Addressing the right people

Our Personas help you identify what makes a person your best customer or who are most likely to churn.

And because you understand what makes them satisfied or not with your offering, our personas also help you address them with the right interaction.

B) ...with the right interaction:

Address the issues relevant to their motivation, thus increasing their chance to follow your prompt.

And because you understand what makes them satisfied or not with your offering, our Personas also help you address them with the right interaction.

The step by step process is thoroughly explored in our intervention workshops.

Stanford Behavior Design Labs uses the FOGG model since 2009 to explain what causes behaviors to change.
The Fogg Behavior Model shows that three elements must converge at the same moment for a desired behavior to occur: Motivation, Ability, and Prompt.
When a behavior does not occur, at least one of these three elements is missing.
We’re adding extensive experience and our proprietary research (University of Cambridge) to make this method practical.

Why are Freya Personas right for you?

Based on real data

Traditional personas are fictive/speculative. We use existing
data (reviews, surveys, interviews, conversations) and we
can set up new cognitive data sources for input.

Based on real data

Traditional personas are fictive/speculative. We use existing
data (reviews, surveys, interviews, conversations) and we
can set up new cognitive data sources for input.

Based on real data

Traditional personas are fictive/speculative. We use existing
data (reviews, surveys, interviews, conversations) and we
can set up new cognitive data sources for input.

Based on real data

Traditional personas are fictive/speculative. We use existing
data (reviews, surveys, interviews, conversations) and we
can set up new cognitive data sources for input.

Based on real data

Traditional personas are fictive/speculative. We use existing
data (reviews, surveys, interviews, conversations) and we
can set up new cognitive data sources for input.

Based on real data

Traditional personas are fictive/speculative. We use existing
data (reviews, surveys, interviews, conversations) and we
can set up new cognitive data sources for input.

Based on real data

Traditional personas are fictive/speculative. We use existing
data (reviews, surveys, interviews, conversations) and we
can set up new cognitive data sources for input.

Based on real data

Traditional personas are fictive/speculative. We use existing data (reviews, surveys, interviews, conversations, etc.) and we can set up new cognitive data sources for input.

Always relevant

Our continuous monitoring model keeps your knowledge always up to date, making you hyper relevant every time.
Unlike traditional market research which has to be redone every once in a while, our insights are always up to date.

Representative for your entire audience

A Freya Persona is representative from the individual level to your total addressable market. You can see how many people in your audience are accurately represented by a specific persona.

Based on real data

Traditional personas are fictive/speculative. We use existing
data (reviews, surveys, interviews, conversations) and we
can set up new cognitive data sources for input.

Based on real data

Traditional personas are fictive/speculative. We use existing
data (reviews, surveys, interviews, conversations) and we
can set up new cognitive data sources for input.


Analytics can tell you what people do. If you want to influence actions, our Personas will tell you who to talk to and what to talk about. This is how you can create the most compelling interactions.

Backed by science

We rely on the most recent scientific developments, conduct our own research, and use cutting-edge technologies to bring you the best insights into the hearts and minds of your audience.

Use cases and client work

Effective Advertising & Communication

Behavioral insights together with great messaging guarantee campaign effectiveness.

We’ve seen results such as:

+588% increase after multiple sprints with a leading European finance and insurance company, in a product adoption case;
+57% increase in a single diagnosis and intervention sprint, for an entertainment company;
+81% increase in a single diagnosis and intervention sprint, for an e-commerce business.

Additional resources

Bringing Method to the Madness of Creating Persuasive Ads: a must read for marketers. This in-depth guide describes a scientific method and the practical steps for better performing ads.
Freya Empathica: Adapt your messaging to the personality of your audience. This is a solution for psychographic targeting - reach out for a demo.

Growth & Product Management

Growth initiatives are more effective when you know exactly what
makes your audience tick.

Accurate insights into users’ behaviors can help with:

Revert Avoidable Churn: brought back 32% of customers by disrupting the churn pattern with persuasive interactions.
Feature Adoption: A retailer's loyalty app experienced a 3.5x surge in feature adoption in a single diagnosis and intervention sprint.
Feature Usage: A substantial +26.4% increase in feature usage in the entertainment/media sector after a single sprint.
Engagement Triggers: 76% certainty in identifying engagement triggers in the entertainment/media sector, providing actionable insights for strategic optimization.
Churn prediction: 72% certainty by analyzing subtle changes in playing patterns.

Additional resources

Trial to Paid - How to attract better users and expand your revenue. In this e-book, we cover the WHY: How to understand, step-by-step, your users' behaviors, and how to apply the findings. You will also get a good overview of our avoidable churn thesis.

Go To Market Strategy & Ops

Improve GTM ops with behavioral insights

Demand Generation: 9x increase in qualified leads in a single
sprint for real estate.
Platform Monetization: +36% year-over-year revenue growth
in media/entertainment.
Transaction Size: +53% increase in revenue in a single sprint
for a SaaS company.
TAM expansion
ICP expansion
Behavioral prioritization
Lead scoring
Persuasive interactions
Accelerated adoption
Churn prediction
Cross selling
Better pricing
TAM expansion
ICP expansion
Behavioral prioritization
Lead scoring
Persuasive interactions
Accelerated adoption
Predicting churn
Cross selling
Better pricing

Talent & Culture

How behavioral insights can help your team

Reduced time to hire by 87% for a tech startup founding team recruiting their CTO.
Clone your best performers: using Talent Behavioral Profiles, attract only candidates that are a great fit, resulting in a culturally cohesive and performant team.
Talent acquisition is the domain where we created one of our
first products. Create your free account for Freya Recruit, the
custom behavioral interviews app.

Additional resources

FLove is your source for team health
check and improvement tips. A
weekly 59-second survey measuring
how Effective, Motivated, and
Connected your teammates are.
Talent Fieldguide: All the steps and
assets you need to start attracting the
right people and building your dream
team - an interactive journey for
The anatomy of a perfect recruiting
outreach message
: a behavioral
guide that helps you double the
number of qualified candidates that
reply to your hiring ad.

Engagement model

The usual engagement consists in an end-to-end solution for audience
insights and behavior change. This includes Target Audience Analysis,
intervention workshops, hands-on training for team members, and
veridical market simulations.

Day 1


We prioritize together which interactions to analyze and which behaviors to influence.

Week 1


A quick iteration to experience the process end to end.

Month 1

Target Audience

Each month, we send an updated Behavioral Insights Report derived from the Target Audience Analysis. This report contains overall audience responses, behavioral segmentation and individual personas.


Behavioral Insights

The behavioral algorithm continually learns and refreshes its understanding of your audiences until it reaches a satisfactory level of certainty.

On Demand

Team Workshops

Whenever you’re ready, we can run together intervention workshops or trainings for perception engineering.

Let's create Personas that resonate with your audience together

Have a question or need assistance? We're here to help. Our team of Persona experts is ready to guide you through the process and
ensure you get the most out of Freya Sense.